LIVOTUNE-DS capsules works by blocking DNA polymerase, promoting wound healing process, inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, inhibiting the growth of viruses, controlling blood glucose levels, treating various other ailments, inhibiting the prostaglandin formation and cyclooxygenase activity, rejuvenating liver and kidneys, restoring the liver functional parameters, boosting the immune system, decreasing pain and swelling. LIVOTUNE-DS capsules is indicated in Jaundice, Enlarged liver, Altered lipid metabolism, Improves digestion and appetite, Strengthens assimilation and anabolism, Works as Liver protective and supportive in Hepatitis B, Drug induced hepatitis, Alcoholic liver disease, Alcoholic or Non Alcoholic Fatty liver, As an adjuvant to hepatotoxic drug.
Each Capsule of Approx. 790mg contain:
- Phyllanthus urinaria 100mg
- Eclipta alba 100mg
- Cichorium intybus 80mg
- Boerhavia diffusa 50mg
- Tinospora cordifolia 20mg
- Berberis aristata 25mg
- Mandoor bhasma(Classical Ayu.Preparation) 125mg
- Plumbago zeylincum 80mg
- Picrorhiza kurrooa 50mg
- Solonum nigrum 80mg
- Andrographis paniculata 80mg
- Methyl paraben 2mg
- Propyl paraben 1mg
- Mcc 2mg
- Magnessium stearate 2mg