Zincovit contains a combination of essential vitamins and minerals useful in treating and preventing vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It also helps in protecting the body from damage, improving immunity, metabolism and other body functions. Zinc is essential for maintaing body's defensive (immune) system to properly work. It also plays a role in cellular function, wound healing, metabolism of carbohydrates and for sensing taste and smell. It is used for the treatment and prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiency due to poor diet, malnutrition, pregnancy and after surgeries and operations. It also acts as an immunity booster and improves overall well-being. Vitamins are essential for immunity, good vision, nerve function, blood formation, and other physiological functions. These are essential nutrients body requires for overall well being. It helps in the growth, development, and maintenance of body structures, bones, organs and also plays a crucial role in repair and healing. Minerals are essential key components body requires for performing various physiological functions. They are crucial for cell growth & multiplication, blood formation, hormone & enzyme secretion, proper functioning of muscle & bone and nerve transmission.
Each ml contains:
- Vit.A 2500 IU
- Vit.E 2.5 IU
- Colecalciferol 200 IU
- Thiamine 1mg
- Riboflavin 1mg
- Pyridoxine 0.5mg
- Nicotinamide 10mg
- D-panthenol 1mg
- Ascorbic Acid 40mg
- Zinc 13.3mg
- Lysine 10mg